Home and Community-Based Services (HCBS) serve children and youth under the age of 21 who are enrolled or eligible to enroll in Medicaid and need extra care at home and/or in the community. HCBS is designed to allow children/youth to participate in a vast array of developmentally and culturally appropriate services including:
Community Habilitation
Get support with learning social and daily living skills and health related tasks
Prevocational Services
Youth aged 14 and older can learn skills to help with job readiness or volunteer work that matches their interests.
Supported Employment
Youth aged 14 and older can learn job related skills and receive support to secure and maintain employment
Respite Services
May be delivered at home, in the community, or in another allowable location. Planned respite services provide short term relief for families/caregivers and support the child’s mental health needs.
Caregiver/Family Advocacy and Support Services
provides the child/youth, family, and collaterals contacts with assistance in understanding and addressing the child/youth’s needs related to their disability(ies) by enhancing the caregiver/family’s ability to care for the child/youth in the home and/or community.
In order to qualify to request services:
- Child must be Medicaid-eligible
- Access for Services are through Health Home Care Management (HH) program or State-Designated Independent Entity C-YES
- HH Care Manager or C-Yes will complete HCBS Level of Care Eligibility Determination
All HCBS referrals must be submitted via the IRAMS portal by a Health Home Care Manager.
For additional questions regarding HCBS call (914) 591-7300 ext. 3020 or email Filomena LoRusso, Director, at florusso@abbotthouse.net