Health Homes - Comprehensive Care Management

The goal of the Health Home program is to make sure NYS Medicaid members get the care and services they need. This may mean fewer trips to the emergency room or less time spent in the hospitals, getting regular care and services from doctors and providers, finding a safe place to live, and finding a way to get to medical appointments.
A ´Health Home´ is not a physical place; it is a group of health care and service providers working together to make sure you get the care and services you need to stay healthy. Once you are enrolled in a Health Home, you will have a care manager that works with you to develop a care plan. A care plan maps out the services you need, to put you on the road to better health. Some of the services may include:
- Connecting to health care providers,
- Connecting to mental health and substance abuse providers,
- Connecting to needed medications,
- Help with housing,
- Social services (such as food, benefits, and transportation) or,
- Other community programs that can support and assist you.
Abbott House is accepting referrals from the community for enrollment of eligible children/youth into Health Home Services.
Children/Youth must meet all eligibility requirements to be considered for enrollment:
- Child/youth currently has active Medicaid; AND:
- Child/youth meets the NYS Department of Health Eligibility Criteria: - Two or more Chronic Conditions (Substance Use Disorder, Asthma, Developmental Disability, Diabetes) OR: - ONE single Qualifying Chronic Condition (Serious Emotional Disturbance, Complex Trauma)
- Child/youth meets the appropriateness criteria Such as significant behavioral, medical, or social risk factors which can be addressed through care coordination.
How to Make a Referral:
- Complete the Health Home Referral and Eligibility Application online including as much detail as possible to allow us to verify eligibility for Health Home.
- Attach supporting documentation of diagnosis (if available).
- Approved children/youth will be assigned to a Care Manager who will conduct outreach and attempt to engage the child/youth in Health Home Care Management Services.
- Health Home services are voluntary and the Youth and/or Parent/Legal Guardian will be asked to consent during the outreach and engagement process.
- Submit the application and someone will be in touch with you shortly. Or, you can download and print the application by clicking here and then send the completed application and consent form via secure email, fax or mail to:
Abbott House
Filomena LoRusso, Director
100 North Broadway
Irvington, NY 10533
(914) 650 - 1241 (Fax)