The Administration of Children Services (ACS) Enhanced Family Foster Care (EFFC) model is the combination of Family Foster Care and Therapeutic Family Foster Care. Children placed in foster care have experienced some level of trauma and while in care their needs change over time. The EFFC model is an innovative way to support their strengths while in care so they can reach their full potential. The EFFC model creates an opportunity to provide ongoing assessments of children and parents so the types and intensity of services can change depending on each family’s needs.
By allowing for the flexibility to increase and decrease services and support based on the child’s needs, EFFC increases stability for the child and supports the formation of a trusting and secure attachment relationship between the child and caregiver.
Families in New York City EFFC Programs receive enhanced case management as well as a full array of services, treatment, and supports to help them thrive as they work towards permanency.