The Community Residence (CR) is a coed residence in Pleasantville that provides group living for eight children between the ages of 9-15. The program provides a supervised, trauma-informed, therapeutic environment where kids can develop grounding techniques and the positive coping skills they need to return home. We also work closely with children and families to help understand and destigmatize trauma and mental illness.
The CR runs groups and closely monitors healthy socialization to maximize a successful full-time return to the home. Clinical treatment is provided by local providers, typically in the same community as the child, in order to maintain continuity post discharge. Our in-house team includes a social worker, a recreation coordinator, a nurse, a house manager, and specially-trained direct care staff. Children also benefit from the close working relationship we have with our local school district, which helps maximize academic achievement.
Referrals for the Community Residence should be directed to the SPOA. However, we are also happy to speak individually with providers and families about what we do and the services we provide.
Pleasantville, NY
Pleasantville Community Residence (PCR)
Capacity: 8 Coed Beds
Program Description: The Pleasantville Community Residence is an Office of Mental Health (OMH) licensed highly structured treatment facility for eight girls or boys ages 9 – 15 with histories of psychiatric hospitalizations and current diagnoses reflecting serious emotional disturbance. OMH sets the criteria for admission and monitors programming. Referrals from New York State’s Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) must be processed through a local Single Point of Entry Committee and approved for placement at Pleasantville. Services to children and families include parenting skills education, individual, group and family therapy, linkages to community mental health services for family members and therapeutic recreational services. Children attend school and extracurricular activities in the community.Referrals should be made to the Westchester County Department of Mental Health SPOA Coordinator at: CMHS@westchestergov.com or (914) 995-5352.
Contact Information:
Jeff Shapiro, Senior VP for Residential and Group Home Services 914-623-5112
Donna Dittman, Social Worker 914-740-6201